Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. It concerns the drying up of the Euphrates River. It will be the most important decision of your life, for eternal life. A Rapture Study: Rapture vs Second Coming, A Rapture Study: Rapture vs Second Coming II, A Rapture Study: Parable of the Wheat and Tares, Genesis 6: Fallen Angels in the Early Church (Part 2), Genesis 6: Gods Mercy in Waiting (Part 3), The 7 Churches of Revelation: Philadelphia, Study of Revelation: The 7 Spirits of God, Study of Revelation: The First Trumpet Judgment, Study of Revelation: The Second Trumpet Judgment, Study of Revelation: The Fifth Trumpet Locusts from the Bottomless Pit, Study of Revelation: The Sixth Trumpet Angels from the Euphrates, Study of Revelation: The Sixth Trumpet Kings of the East, Study of Revelation: The Third Temple & Times of the Gentiles. Well, in light of this, I would still say what verse 15 is describing takes place at a specific time, being the Lords second coming. Was Proof of Biblical King Hezekiah Deciphered on Jerusalem Rock Inscriptions? [36] The Tabqa Dam is Syria's largest dam and its reservoir (Lake Assad) is an important source of irrigation and drinking water. The Euphrates River Has Completely Dried Up In Iraq And Syria The Euphrates River has been drying up for years, but why? What is the significance of the Euphrates River? Lifegate: Its like being in the desert, says Khaled al-Khamees, standing on parched ground in a place where, last year, theEuphratesRiver flowed throughSyria. The dams constructed as part of GAP in both the Euphrates and the Tigris basins have affected 382 villages and almost 200,000 people have been resettled elsewhere. The village was flooded about 5 meters, that meaning were about five meters underwater, but now as you see it like a desert. Its clear to us that the Euphrates river is significant due to the yet to be fulfilled prophecies concerning it so its not necessary to force a fulfillment upon it. I know we are not yet in the millennial reign but could the Lord be preparing the Euphrates for the Great Day and His 1,000 reign? [9][15], The Euphrates receives most of its water in the form of rainfall and melting snow, resulting in peak volumes during the months April through May. The longest waterway in Western Asia, the Euphrates runs 1,700 miles from the mountains of eastern Turkey to the Persian Gulf. The river Euphrates by divine concession is drying up for the kings of the nations to cross, with the aim of exterminating each other and other people,says St. Andrew. Interesting I hadnt thought of this passage in light of the millennial reign but that makes sense. Here are some passages I encourage you to read that speaks to assurance of salvation: John 5:24; 6:35-40; 10:7-10; 27-30; 1 John 5:12-13. Israeli President Isaac Herzog Seeks to Revitalize Abraham Accords as Doubts Mount in Bahrain, https://himitsustudy.com/2020/02/23/study-of-revelation-the-sixth-trumpet/, https://himitsustudy.com/2020/05/11/study-of-revelation-the-sixth-trumpet-kings-of-the-east/, https://himitsustudy.com/2022/05/01/beyond-the-blessed-hope/. The Sumerians, who lived in southern Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) around 4,000 BCE, relied heavily on the river for irrigation and transportation. With this being said, some are saying that the current drying of the Euphrates river is fulfilling bible prophecy, but is this truly the case? A lot of history was made at this river. Hi Phil! [10][11] Finally, some sources also include Jordan in the drainage basin of the Euphrates; a small part of the eastern desert (220 square kilometres (85sqmi)) drains toward the east rather than to the west. [71] Late Neolithic villages, characterized by the introduction of pottery in the early 7th millennium BCE, are known throughout this area. 1 Answer. Is the Euphrates River drying up a sign of the end times (We can also calculate this as 490 x 7 years.) It would seem I was one of those misunderstanding, which is ironic, because Ive been compelled to inform people by the Helper, myself, about prophetic misinterpretations; namely, this crazed idea that the COVID-19 vaccine is the beasts mark. Im just doing my best to stay faithful to what the text says. The most notable occurred in the 16th century when the river dried up completely for several years. The Euphrates River has played a crucial role in the development and growth of several ancient civilizations. Thank you for reading through the article and leaving a message. Carnivorous species include the wolf, the golden jackal, the red fox, the leopard and the lion. The Battle of Karbala took place near the banks of this river in 680 AD. Its as if we were in the desert, said the 50-year-old farmer, standing on what last year was theEuphratesriverbed. [12] Some sources estimate that approximately 15 percent of the drainage basin is located within Saudi Arabia, while a small part falls inside the borders of Kuwait. Revelation 6:1-2 "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. The Syrian regime accused Turkey of depriving Syrians of their water share of the Euphrates river, saying electricity production at the Euphrates Dam stopped and water level in Lake Al-Assad, the Syrian state-owned news agency SANA reported on Wednesday. If you have any further questions, email me, or reach out to me on my social media pages. Well, I concede on this matter in humility. Let's find out in this video below, Unbelievable! Whats happening to the river currently is not the fulfillment of that prophecy. Some of the more common birds include: The Euphrates River has been drying up for years, but why? Please check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Thanks for reading and I also appreciate your comment. They will come from the parts of the East, that is, from the parts of Gog and Magog, as we will see about them later in Revelation. Yes, the Euphrates River has been temporarily dried up or reduced to low flow in the past, due to various reasons such as drought, human activities like dam building, or changes in water distribution by upstream countries. I understand what you mean Trent. The minimum volume at Ht remained relatively unchanged, rising from 55 cubic metres (1,900cuft) per second before 1990 to 58 cubic metres (2,000cuft) per second afterward. For the last 6,000 years, the Euphrates River has brought the areas of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia unprecedented success. [48] A survey among those who were displaced showed that the majority were unhappy with their new situation and that the compensation they had received was considered insufficient. Euphrates River begins to dry up: 'A prophesy of - Israel365 News In the Christian Bible, the Euphrates River is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament. Aid groups and engineers are warning of a looming humanitariandisasterin northeast Syria, where waning river flow is compounding woes after a decade of war. Strangled by the water policies of Iraq's neighbors, Turkey and Syria; a two-year drought; and years of misuse by Iraq and its farmers, the river is. Autonomous Administration of Northeastern Syria, which controlled by Kurds, announced that the water level at Lake Assad declined by three meters, Syrian news online Enab Baladi reported on May 3. And his water was dried up, that the way of the kings of the rising of the sun might be prepared., Kings from the rising sun, those who come to him through the Euphrates, are the allies and collaborators of the Antichrist.. Thank you for reading! To say that would not only mean were currently in the tribulation, but that all of the seal, trumpet, and majority of bowl judgments have been poured out on mankind, and that 3 demonic spirits have gone out to the kingsof the earth and ofthe whole world to the battle of Armageddon in anticipation of Christs Second Coming (Revelation 16:13-14, 16). It is not possible to determine the exact number of times the Euphrates River has dried up as there is limited historical data. [93] In 1984, Turkey unilaterally declared that it would ensure a flow of at least 500 cubic metres (18,000cuft) per second, or 16 cubic kilometres (3.8cumi) per year, into Syria, and in 1987 a bilateral treaty to that effect was signed between the two countries. The Elamite, Akkadian, and possibly Sumerian forms are suggested to be from an unrecorded substrate language. The largest number of people was displaced by the building of the Atatrk Dam, which alone affected 55,300 people. [53] Water quality in the Iraqi Euphrates is low because irrigation water tapped in Turkey and Syria flows back into the river, together with dissolved fertilizer chemicals used on the fields. CAIRO 6 May 2021: Since the beginning of May, catastrophic scenes of tremendous decline in water level of Euphrates, the longest river of Western Asia, became a meme on social media platforms. The Euphrates River, long part of the area known as the Fertile Crescent, is a significant landmark in Scripture and a valuable resource in the Middle East as it runs through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. The Euphrates, which is 2,800 kilometres long, flows from Turkey into Syria and Iraq. The great river Euphrates will dry up because, as some say, the Antichrist will come from the east through the Euphrates, and from the tribe of Ian, one of the sons of the patriarch Jacob. If youre interested in learning more about what we as believers have to look forward to check out this article: https://himitsustudy.com/2022/05/01/beyond-the-blessed-hope/. The Syrian government of Youssef Zain in 1968 built the Euphrates Dam without diverting the Euphrates River to the desert and establishing lakes there. And now there is neither these five meters, nor the lake, from the level of which the flood was measured: Original vegetation also still survives along the river. Introduction Every day, your skin is exposed to numerous environmental aggressors, such as pollution, UV rays, and stress, that can. And in the twelfth part confusion from the mingling together of all those things aforesaid. We see these things today, but . This steppe is characterised by white wormwood (Artemisia herba-alba) and Amaranthaceae. Revelation 16:12 says: "The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Catastrophic decline of Euphrates River water level - EgyptToday If you have not placed your faith in Jesus finished work on the cross, I implore you to do so today (2 Corinthians 6:2)! All rights reserved. The Euphrates River Has Completely Dried Up In Iraq And Syria The drying up of Euphrates, Syria's longest river is raising concerns as the demise of th SIGNS OF END TIME. I think Ive made it clear in the article as to why I dont think theres a scriptural case one can make for that at this current time were living in. 8 Bible verses about River Euphrates - Knowing Jesus Because of low rainfall, high temperatures, and the drying of the river, crops are failing, which has led to over 800 families leaving the villages around the Euphrates River. The Four Angels. [37][38] Syria also built three smaller dams on the Khabur and its tributaries. Happy to see that you agree as well! [90][92][95] In 2008, Turkey, Syria and Iraq instigated the Joint Trilateral Committee (JTC) on the management of the water in the TigrisEuphrates basin and on 3 September 2009 a further agreement was signed to this effect. It's been the main source. What is the Prophetic Significance of Digital Currency? Here we can learn How many times the Euphrates river dried up. The river originates in the Taurus Mountains of Turkey, formed by the confluence of several small streams and rivers. [75] Clay boat models found at Tell Mashnaqa along the Khabur indicate that riverine transport was already practiced during this period. Many families in Iraq that rely on the river are desperate for water. Syrian Arab Republic. Some people however believe this army to be 200 million human men. It is reported that the level of the river dropped by 5 meters, but in fact everything is much worse there and is measured, most likely, from the level of last spring, which was already anomalous back then. What Lives At The Bottom of The Mississippi River? Yet he veers off the truth when he says that the Sixth Bowl Judgment is during the tribulation. It is NOT! Scroll to continue reading. [89] An agreement between Turkey and Iraq signed in 1946 required Turkey to report to Iraq on any hydraulic changes it made on the TigrisEuphrates river system, and allowed Iraq to construct dams on Turkish territory to manage the flow of the Euphrates.[90]. It dates to the mid-3rd millennium BCE. For they are spirits of demons,performing signs,whichgo out to the kingsof the earth and ofthe whole world, to gather them tothe battle of that great day of God Almighty. Originating in Turkey, the Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Persian Gulf. It was referred to as Buranuna, an ancient Sumerian word. On which the various lives of the ancients depended heavily on this river. How many times has the euphrates river dried up? Often times people lump the the 6th trumpet judgment in Revelation 9:13-21 with the 6th bowl judgment in Revelation 16:12-16 and I just dont see the relation or the interpretational justification to do so. Since then, Syria has built two more dams in the Euphrates, the Baath Dam and the Tishrin Dam, and plans to build a fourth dam the Halabiye Dam between Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. Thank you for taking time to read the article and Im glad that it was a blessing to you! Iraq's largest dam on the Euphrates is the Haditha Dam; a 9-kilometre-long (5.6mi) earth-fill dam creating Lake Qadisiyah. Summer is ahead, so another couple of meters of shallowing is not a question, so we are waiting for the golden ridges to rise from the bottom. Have some feedback for us? "Ancient Crystal Weapons" Found In Spain? What this should show us instead is that when we consider this along with the many prophetic signs converging on our time, it acts as a marker of where we are prophetically which should strengthen our faith in Gods Word and excite us as our blessed hope draws near. This has been a problem for decades. Over the past few years, the water level of the Euphrates River has dropped dramatically. When Isaiah speaks about the drying up of the Euphrates, it speaks about THE DAY the Day is the DAY OF THE LORD. Very good. Once the Euphrates enters the Upper Mesopotamian plains, its grade drops significantly; within Syria the river falls 163 metres (535ft) while over the last stretch between Ht and the Shatt al-Arab the river drops only 55 metres (180ft). Outside the village of Rumayleh where al-Khamees lives, black irrigation hoses lay in dusty coils after the river receded so far it became too expensive to operate the water pumps. Looking at this from a surface level, it speaks of the ongoing birth pangs we see around the world. The pre-1990 peak volume recorded at Ht was 7,510 cubic metres (265,000cuft) per second, while after 1990 it is only 2,514 cubic metres (88,800cuft) per second. Do you think I misinterpreted parts of scripture which therefore led me to the incorrect conclusion? [63] Parts of the flooded area have recently become accessible again due to the drying up of the lake, resulting not only in new possibilities for archaeologists to do more research, but also providing opportunities for looting, which has been rampant elsewhere in Iraq in the wake of the 2003 invasion. And it is a prophecy of Jacob, that from Ian the Antichrist will come, as it has been mentioned several times. [27] Southeast of the border between Syria and Iraq starts true desert. Along its way, it irrigates swaths of land in Syrias breadbasket and runs through three hydroelectric dams that provide power and drinking water to millions. Some of the many reasons why is the multiple dams, droughts, water policies and misuse. If you found this answer helpful, please consider giving it an upvote and subscribe to my Quora space for more history content Its been the main source of water for the region, and with it, growth and fertility are unlike anything theyd ever seen before. Hello Trent! Biblically speaking, when the Euphrates River dries up, essentially the line between "righteous" and "unrighteous" becomes blurred, and/or is no longer present. So this verse would actually work well with the point Im making that the drying of the Euphrates as prophesied in scripture occurs at a specific time in the future. Along its way, it irrigates swaths of land in Syria's. The Euphrates River begins in Turkey, but flows through Syria and Iraq. What about Isaiah 11:15, a reference to the Lord drying up the Euphrates in that day (11:11)? 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Revelation 9:13-16 describes the release of four angels who are bound at the Euphrates River and the aftermath of their release: the slaying of a 1/3 of mankind by 200 million horsemen: " (13) And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, (14) Saying to the sixth . So is whats currently occurring to the Euphrates river a fulfilment of the sixth bowl judgment in Revelation 16? Isaiah 11:11-16 seem to be an end time prophecy we are witnessing today. Evidence for irrigation has been found at several sites dating to this period, including Tell es-Sawwan. Do you not see that as the tribulation? The Euphrates River dried up and this Mysterious Tunnel appeared. Cities like Tell Brak and Uruk grew to over 100 hectares (250 acres) in size and displayed monumental architecture. The Euphrates is the longest and one of the most historically important rivers of Western Asia. In times of rain, it gushes into northern Syria through the Turkish border and flows diagonally across the war-torn country towards Iraq. What we see from scripture starting in Genesis is a focus on the Middle East in the beginning and in Revelation the focus is brought right back to that region of the earth. He will break it up into seven streams so that anyone can cross over in sandals. . Together with the Tigris, it is one of the two defining rivers of Mesopotamia (lit. Theres a specific context in which it will eventually take place, but its not now. Fishermen sail in a boat in the Shatt al-Arab waterway, formed at the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, as the sun sets over Iraq's southern city of Basra on October 30, 2022. The drying of the Euphrates is the 6th bowl judgment. Copyright 2010 - 2023 Soul:Ask | Unlock your Mind and Soul. [10][11] Isaev and Mikhailova estimate the percentages of the drainage basin lying within Turkey, Syria and Iraq at 33, 20 and 47 percent respectively.